four-letter word

[fawr-let-er, fohr-] /ˈfɔrˌlɛt ər, ˈfoʊr-/
any of a number of short words, usually of four letters, considered offensive or vulgar because of their reference to excrement or sex.
any word, typically of four letters, that represents something forbidden, disliked, or regarded with extreme distaste:
In the dieter's vocabulary, “cake” is a four-letter word.
British Dictionary definitions for four-letter words

four-letter word

any of several short English words referring to sex or excrement: often used as swearwords and regarded generally as offensive or obscene
four-letter words in Culture

four-letter words definition

Euphemism for the most common verbal obscenities.

four-letter words definition

Obscene (see obscenity) or very vulgar words of four letters, such as piss. Most four-letter words refer to excretion or sex.

Slang definitions & phrases for four-letter words

four-letter word

noun phrase

Any of several short English words generally regarded as obscene or offensive (1920s+)

Idioms and Phrases with four-letter words

four-letter word

Any of several short English words that are generally regarded as vulgar or obscene. For example, No four-letter words are permitted in this classroom. This expression is applied mostly to words describing excretory or sexual functions. [ First half of 1900s ]